The Smarter Collaboration Profile is the world’s only psychometric tool that specifically measures your collaborative attributes – that is, your natural ways of working with others.

Smarter Collaboration Profile – For Individuals: Collaborate more effectively

The Smarter Collaboration Profile allows you to understand your attributes and how to use them most effectively. It includes an actionable, personalized report with:

  • Your tendencies across the “seven dimensions of smarter collaboration”
  • Concrete “high-priority actions” to drive collaboration
  • “Watch-outs” to help avoid anti-collaborative behavior

Smarter Collaboration Profile – For Leaders: Foster smarter collaboration in your teams

The SC Leader Profile lets you, as a leader, understand your collaborative tendencies and how they compare to your team. Then you can strategically deploy them to drive improved collaboration and its financial, strategic, and talent-related benefits.

Smarter Collaboration Profile – For Teams: Gain powerful insights into team dynamics, including watch-outs

The SC Team Profile aggregates data from multiple individual SC Profiles. Viewed together, teams gain powerful insights into the dynamics of the group – including strengths and potential imbalances.

Smarter Collaboration Profile – Participant Kit (coming soon): Whether you are collaborating with peers, managing people, or selling to clients, you need to understand how to engage with a variety of SC Profiles

The Smarter Collaboration Profile Participant Kit contains enhanced insights on your SC Profile, actionable recommendations on working with people with other SC Profiles, worksheets to plan powerful interactions, and an eBook of Smarter Collaboration: A New Approach to Breaking Down Barriers and Transforming Work.

Smarter Collaboration Profile – Facilitator Kit: Lead engaging and insightful group sessions

With the Smarter Collaboration Profile Facilitator Kit, you as a facilitator can lead powerful learning sessions with individuals and teams who have taken the SC Profile. You get access to best practices, presentation materials, exercises, worksheets, videos, and more, enabling you to help teams drive smarter collaboration and optimize team dynamics. The materials can be flexibly combined to lead highly customized learning sessions.

Key Benefits of the SC Profile

For more on the SC Profile, visit

Smarter Collaboration Profile