Smarter Collaboration Podcast
Hosted by Dr. Heidi K. Gardner and Ivan Matviak, the Smarter Collaboration podcast uses real-world examples to better understand what smarter collaboration looks like - and how it can go wrong.
Smarter Collaboration
This indispensable new book lays out a pragmatic action plan blending rich stories, new empirical research, and loads of practical advice to help companies thrive by collaborating more effectively.
Smart Collaboration
Organizations earn higher margins, inspire greater customer loyalty, produce more innovative work, and attract and retain the best talent when specialists engage in Smart Collaboration across boundaries.
Boards of Directors
Boards of directors face increasing pressure to diversify their ranks, stay on top of regulatory and technological advances, hold executives accountable, and improve their functioning. Yet, they’re susceptible to all the foibles of human dynamics.
Lateral hiring
To generate competitive advantage through lateral hiring, it’s not enough just to optimize laterals’ individual capabilities. You need to integrate them so that your whole business generates more value.
Over-committed organisations
The “dark side” of collaboration emerges when people are stretched too thin across many projects, often with competing priorities and deadlines. How can you mitigate the downsides of an over-committed organization while reaping the benefits of Smart Collaboration?…
In-house legal teams
Today’s complex business problems span departments, disciplines and geographies. Savvy in-house lawyers know that collaboration across organizational silos and with external organizations is critically important. But how?…
Leadership and performance
Leadership must permeate an organization—it’s too important to leave only to those with a formal title. Our research delves into the tools, techniques and topics that are essential for leading high performing organizations.
Sector leadership
Clients increasingly expect service that is tailored to their specific industry—and help in learning from more advanced sectors or those that pose potential threats. You need to collaborate with other sector experts to build an integrated, value-added offering.